Dynamics of Women on Natural Resources

Association working for the promotion and integration of gender in the governance of natural resources in the DRC


The Dynamics of Women in Natural Resources (DYFREN) was created in response to the growing influx of investments in the extractive sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Unfortunately, these investments have not contributed to economic and social development, but on the contrary have worsened the poverty of local populations, reinforced the marginalization of women and exacerbated gender inequalities by favoring the economic power of men.

Faced with this alarming observation, DYFREN has made it its mission to integrate the gender dimension into the governance of natural resources in the DRC and to campaign for better governance of these resources.
The organization is committed to ending the marginalization of women and the inequalities that arise from the exploitation of natural resources.

Concretely, DYFREN strives to place the economic and social concerns of women at the heart of decision-making and operational policies linked to the governance of natural resources. It also works to establish a framework for the promotion and protection of women’s rights, in particular by guaranteeing their consultation and participation in decision-making processes and the development of large-scale extractive projects.


Actions and initiatives to help improve the conditions of women and promote gender equality in the mining sector in the DR Congo

The integration and consideration of the gender aspect in the governance of natural resources in the DRC.
Campaigning for good governance of the DRC’s natural resources

Awareness and advocacy

Develop innovative awareness campaigns on the importance of gender mainstreaming in mining, both for mining sector stakeholders and local communities

Monitoring of CSR practices

Monitoring of the CSR practices of mining companies and their impact on local communities and women in particular.

Training and capacity building

Offer training programs adapted to the specific needs of women working in the mining sector.





Lawyer specializing in personal law, with 16 years of experience to date; assistant counsel at the International Criminal Court.good knowledge of international human rights law.

Activists write to their personal interests in the enterprise’s extractive questions, including the directives of common people or vulnerable people, and detailed questions that have an impact on femmes from the extractive activities.
Due 2006, it is a prestige for the account of more organizations Non-governmental (Internationales and Congolaises) as a resource person (Consultante) notamment of the origins of human beings in Rdc and au Mali.(Consultante) notamment en matière des droits humains en Rdc et au Mali .



Holder of a degree in international relations at the Faculty of
political and administrative sciences from the University of Lubumbashi.
, secretary at WIM who is
a platform for women working in the mining sector, secretary of
Mines thematic group in the Haut Katanga consultation framework



Graduated in IT Management and EntrepreneurshipMarketing agent at the AvantageInternational agencyTrainer for women entrepreneurs (empowerment of women entrepreneurs)Today: state civil servant in the town planning department



Bachelor’s degree in economics and management; in the financial management sector at UNILU
Mastery of policies and procedures in the administration and provision of financial services


Apply to coaching staff and providing clients
Apply in labor and budget execution; suivi des performances and gestion de risques
There are chiffres and calculations
Capacity to communicate and adapt
Reasonable, intelligent and practical



Bachelor’s degree in PRIVATE LAW FROM THE UNIVERSITY of Lubumbashi Proven experience in financial management in agencies.



Graduated with a degree in Private Law from the University of Lubumbashi. Proven experience in administration and assistant.


Our actions and initiatives are multiple and ambitious

MINING TAXATIONIcône de validation par la communautéEVALUATION Report

of the

tax obligations and

Tenke parafiscal

Fungurume Mining SA 

This study is an analysis of compliance with the fiscal and parafiscal obligations of the Tenke mining project.
Fungurume Mining (TFM SA) and their impacts on the state budget and the standard of living of the local population.

Partnership development and use of technologies

Working in collaboration and partnership with all types of civil organizations and businesses

Work collaboratively with other civil society organizations, mining companies and local authorities to develop joint initiatives to promote gender equality in mining.

Partnership development
Innovate using digital technologies and online platforms to disseminate information, mobilize women and promote gender equality in the mining sector. Creation of a legal assistance service for women impacted by mining activity, to help them assert their rights in the event of litigation or abuse.

Use of technologies


Working in collaboration and partnership with all types of organizations in order to integrate gender into the energy transition

Energy transition and gender are important aspects to take into account when it comes to the exploitation of mineral resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This transition creates increased demand for strategic minerals necessary for renewable energy. The DRC is a country rich in natural resources, including strategic minerals such as cobalt, copper and coltan, which are essential for the energy transition towards cleaner and sustainable energy sources.

The energy transition and gender
However, the exploitation of these mining resources offers several opportunities including job creation, the transfer of skills and technologies on the one hand, but it often has harmful consequences on the environment and local communities, in particular women, on the other hand. It is common knowledge that women are often more likely to be victims of human rights violations, sexual violence and discrimination linked to mining. Thus, the energy transition in the DRC can only be sustainable if it is carried out in an inclusive manner and respectful of the rights of women and local communities. It is therefore essential to take gender into account in all stages of the exploitation of mining resources, in order to guarantee sustainable and equitable development for all.
The energy transition and gender
Fight against corruption

Awareness campaign on the fight against corruption through the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in the mining sector
Corruption is a scourge that hinders the economic and social development of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Women entrepreneurs are particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon, as they often face additional obstacles due to their gender.

To fight corruption and promote the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs, Dyfren is setting up a targeted and effective campaign to raise awareness among young women entrepreneurs of the dangers of corruption and the means to protect themselves against it through seminars and awareness workshops on corruption and business ethics.

The fight against corruption and the promotion of the economic empowerment of young women entrepreneurs in the DRC are crucial issues for the sustainable development of the country. By implementing an effective and targeted campaign, Dyfren believes it is possible to create a more equitable and transparent business environment, where women entrepreneurs can prosper and actively contribute to the national economy.

Female Entrepreneurship

Promotion of female entrepreneurship in the mining sector in the DRC
Promote gender equality and economic empowerment of women by encouraging their participation in the mining sector in the DRC, by encouraging the creation and development of women-led businesses in the mining sector, and by strengthening the capacities of women entrepreneurs to improve the management and profitability of their businesses.

Through this activity, Dyfren aims to contribute to the economic empowerment of women and to encourage their active participation in the mining sector in the DRC, by creating an environment favorable to female entrepreneurship.


Dyfren organized a series of training workshops on the analysis of EITI reports for women leaders of civil society organizations and produced several memos for the DRC EITI technical secretariat;

And conducts a study to assess the implementation of the requirements of the EITI standard regarding the consideration of gender in the EITI process in DR Congo

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Association working for the promotion and integration of gender in the governance of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo